EB-PU2113W Support

Pozor: Vaš operacijski sistem morda ne bo zaznan pravilno. Pomembno je, da svoj operacijski sistem ročno izberete iz zgornjega seznama in tako zagotovite ogled združljive vsebine.


Vdelana programska oprema
Firmware Updater Link
By following this updater link, you will be directed on a page where you will have access to the latest firmware file and a list of the changes. Please update the Firmware using one of the following method: - USB-A port Firmware update (Manual available in the manual section) - USB-B port Firmware update (Manual available in the manual section) - Wired Lan port using Epson Projector Management version 5.2 or higher. . Application and manuals downloadable from the Software section.
Druga programska oprema
Epson Projector Config Tool - Android
Dodatne informacije:

Epson Projector Config Tool is an app that using NFC wireless communications technology to change projector settings and check equipment information. Simply hold an NFC-compatible Android device over the NFC mark on the projector to change settings and obtain information about the projector, even when it is off. You can enter all the network settings and projection settings in advance, which can greatly reduce the time and effort required to install multiple projectors.

Epson Projector Config Tool - iOS
Dodatne informacije:

Epson Projector Config Tool is an app that using NFC wireless communications technology to change projector settings and check equipment information. Simply hold an NFC-compatible Android device over the NFC mark on the projector to change settings and obtain information about the projector, even when it is off. You can enter all the network settings and projection settings in advance, which can greatly reduce the time and effort required to install multiple projectors.

Epson Creative Projection for iOS
Dodatne informacije:
Epson Creative Projection allows you to easily create digital signage content. Let’s decorate your goods and your space with the projector-specific effects.
Throw Distance Simulator
Dodatne informacije:

Throw Distance Simulator is a web application for calculating the throw distance between screen and the EPSON projector. Supported browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari



Priročniki in dokumentacija

Priročniki in dokumentacija

User Manuals (v1.0)
6.61 MB
User Manuals (v1.0)
6.59 MB
Dodatne informacije:
This package contains several user manuals.
Throw Distance Simulator (v1.0)
2.39 MB
Dodatne informacije:

“Throw Distance Simulator” is a web application for calculating the throw distance between screen and the EPSON projector.

Registracija in možnosti garancije

Registracija in možnosti garancije

Registrirajte svoj izdelek
Registracija novega izdelka
Registrirajte se zdaj
Preverite svojo garancijo
Če želite preveriti stanje garancije vašega izdelka, kliknite na spodnji gumb »Preveri stanje garancije« in vnesite serijsko številko svojega izdelka na strani za podporo.
Preverite stanje garancije
Možnosti podaljšane garancije (CoverPlus)
Zaščitite svoj izdelek Epson tudi po izteku standardne garancijske dobe s storitvijo Epson CoverPlus. Če želite izvedeti več o naših možnostih podaljšane garancije za vaš novi izdelek, kliknite na spodnji gumb »Ogled možnosti podaljšane garancije«.
Oglejte si možnosti podaljšane garancije
Stopite v stik z nami

Stopite v stik z nami

Please contact our Epson authorised service partner below:

Avtera d.o.o.
Litijska cesta 259
1261 Ljubljana-Dobrunje
Tel: +386 1 58 53 610
Fax: +386 1 58 53 455
e-mail: epson@avtera.si
Web: www.avtera.si

Podpora za robote:

DAX Electronic Systems d.o.o.

Vreskovo 68
1420 Trbovlje
Tel: +386 (0) 3 5630 500
Fax: +386 (0) 3 5630 501
e-mail: darko.dax@siol.net
Web: www.dax.si
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